A few month's ago we announced that we were switching our format. Instead of being open every weekend as we had been for the last 2 years...we were switching to "occasional" which meant we would only be open 1 weekend a month. The reason behind the switch was really pretty simple... we wanted to do more, and we wanted to do it better.
By switching to occasional, it would allow our vendors more time to find better quality pieces and more time to put out a better quality finish on those pieces. It would also allow us more time to maintain the shop. Simple stuff like just spackling and touching up the walls, pulling weeds, planting flowers, switching out lights, etc... Stuff that just kind of falls to the bottom of the list because we were always open again in a few days and had to worry more about stuff like...you know...getting new inventory into the store.
In making the switch...we decided right away that we weren't ok with just being another occasional shop. We didn't want to "just" be open 1 weekend a month, we wanted "The Market" to be more of an event each month. We want our customers to have a unique shopping experience every time they come into our store and being occasional now allows us some unique opportunities that we simply wouldn't have if we were open every weekend.
The first of those is guest vendors...
There have always been a handful of shops and/or vendors that we have wanted to team up with. Some are vendors that we have tried to get on our team but couldn't get them to commit to a long term deal because of prior commitments, location, etc... Shops that we have followed religiously for years and admire from afar knowing that we will never get to work with them because...well...they have their own shop and it just wouldn't make sense to come sell with us. And then there are some shops that we already team up with for other events that would really bring a cool feel into our shop. Well... now that it's just one weekend...game on. Each month we will be freeing up space for a special "guest vendor." We are really excited for March's guest vendors...
Chipping with Charm
and... Signs of the Times!
Laurel and Joan share a space at Antiques Downtown in Elk River and we have been wanting to team up with them forever! They have an amazing style, they are staging geniuses, and they have some of the coolest salvaged and handmade items around! If you have spent any amount of time on Pinterest...you are sure to have some of their items Pinned in your "inspiration album." Make sure to come check out their space with us March 10th- 13th!
Also find them here...
Shed Sweet Shed Boutique
Next up is (*drumroll please)... Food Trucks!
I mean...who doesn't like a good food truck. Food trucks for us are pure heaven! With 3 boys under 5...it's
Last but not least... Color Palettes!
We are really excited about this one! In addition to bringing in truckloads of new inventory every month, we will be introducing select color palettes each month. It's just one more piece of the puzzle to give you a truly unique shopping experience every month! Our first color palette doesn't stray too far outside of what you have come to expect from us...we're gonna kind of ease you into it. We've chosen a fairly neutral palette that touches on some hints of color and paired it with medium wood tones and gold metal accents.
Here are some pics from the inspiration board we're working off of...